Green Commitment, including its regional affiliates, solicits and accepts donations to help the organization advance and fulfill its mission. All prospective donors are encouraged to seek the assistance of personal legal and financial advisors on matters related to their donations, including the potential effects on their tax and estate planning. The following policies and guidelines govern the acceptance of gifts made to Compromiso Verde for the benefit of any of its operations and programs.

During its fundraising activities, Compromiso Verde will accept donations, in the form of outright grants and bequests, following the Conflict of Interest Policy and the guidelines of this Policy, especially the section "Restrictions on Donations".

Green Commitment representatives and team members (board, directors, staff) are prohibited from accepting personal gifts from third parties that do not comply with the Green Commitment Conflict of Interest Policy.

Compromiso Verde will accept donations, in general, from individuals, associations, foundations or other philanthropic entities. In the case of corporations and other for-profit institutions, Compromiso Verde will only accept donations after careful consideration and only from companies that have no involvement in animal exploitation or significant labour rights, environmental or other social issues.

Restrictions on Donations

Green Commitment will not accept donations, whether in cash or in other forms, which:

Decisions on the restrictive nature of a donation, as well as its acceptance or refusal, shall be made by the Executive Director in consultation with the Board of Trustees. The primary consideration shall be the impact of the donation on the organisation.

Consultation and Transparency

Donation enquiries can be sent to the following e-mail address In addition, interested parties can obtain additional information on the use and destination of donations by visiting our transparency page on the official website.