Animal Welfare Certification Seminar brings together experts at the Agrarian University La Molina

Last Thursday, November 7, 2024, was held the International Animal Welfare Certification SeminarThe event, co-organised by the Universidad Agraria La Molina and the NGO Compromiso Verde, brought together around 90 participants committed to promoting more ethical and responsible animal care practices.

The seminar was held in the university's Zootechnics Auditorium and was attended by leading specialists:

  • Ing. Mtr. Univ. Andrea Briones Monterowho spoke on the subject Animal Welfare in the One Health Approach.
  • Mgt. Sc. Nancy Huanca Marcawith its theme Introduction to Animal Welfare.
  • Ines Nole BazanCertified Humane Auditor in Peru, who presented the International Certification in Animal Welfare.
  • Bach. Billy Julca Vásquezwho addressed the issue Animal Welfare of Livestock Farms in the Peruvian Humid Tropics.

Seminario de Certificación en Bienestar Animal reúne a expertos en la Universidad Agraria La Molina compromiso verde

During the event, the opportunities that animal welfare certification represents to improve the living conditions of production animals in Peru were highlighted, as well as its impact on the sustainability of the agricultural sector.

"It is inspiring to see so many students and professionals coming together to learn and reflect on animal welfare. This seminar not only provides technical tools, but also encourages a more compassionate and ethical approach in the animal production industry. We are convinced that educating is the first step towards significant change in the sector". Sandra Lopes, Executive Director, Green Commitment NGO

The event reaffirms the commitment of the Universidad Agraria La Molina and Compromiso Verde to work together to raise awareness and train future generations on key issues such as animal welfare, promoting a more ethical and sustainable production system for the country.
